Friday, May 25, 2012

Letting go--aka Decluttering

Why is it so hard to let go and get rid of things?  Why do I need that envelope from the company that I buy my wire from?  How about the envelope from a friend whose name is in my hard-copy address book?  And what about those curling irons???  I haven't used them in ten years--what are the odds that I am going to pick one up tomorrow?  And rags!  How many rags does a person need?  I seem to have rags in every closet and every cupboard and in every other conceivable place that one might put a rag.  Sure, the Wii box is a nice box--but for what exactly?

I have exactly two cupboards cleaned out...I did toss my curling irons.  I threw out the rags--especially since they were mostly shirts that were worn to a job for which I was unsuited and heartily despised.  And I even managed to let go of the's not like I won't find the bead company on-line again and I KNOW my friend is in my address book.  Besides, she'll be more than happy to give me her address again.

I must admit that I am concentrating so much on down-sizing, decluttering, and letting go of useless miscellanea, and so much of my energy is focused on what actually brings me joy that I simply haven't had any time to worry.  Who would have thought?

I have more things moved out of my bedroom.  More things will go to furnish my son's place.  I intend to actually use my blanket chest to store my linens instead of being covered in junk (well, OK, it's not's my glass rods that have to move to my studio), I may actually--gasp--give away more cookbooks.  And I sent back the magazine subscription "cancelled".  I already have so many recipes to choose from, and so many more to choose from on pinterest that I don't see the point in allowing any more clutter to come in my front door.

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